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Tips On Staying Focused In The Busyness of Life!

Tips on staying focused in the busyness of life!

Happy Spring and happy Monday! Friends, I can’t believe we are already in the Spring season. Spring is probably my favorite season of the year. Life doesn’t seem to slow down. Today, I am sharing tips on staying focused in the busyness of life!

1 Peter 5:8 states, “Be sober, be alert and cautious at all times, that enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

How do we stay focused in a busy world?

Distractions are everywhere. Just when I think I’ve set an appointment with God, something comes up.

Spending time with God takes a purposeful effort. Once you make a decision to spend time with God, the enemy will throw all kinds of distractions at you.

Here are a few tips to help you stay focused.

  1. Find the time of day that you are at your best. Morning is the perfect time for you to spend time with God if you are a morning person. If you enjoy staying up late, make time for God then.
  2. Make an appointment with God and find a quiet place. I didn’t see the importance of this until a few years ago.
  3. Keep a notebook or journal handy. I keep a notebook on my nightstand at all times. I also carry a notebook with me when I go out.
  4. A little is better than nothing. We think that spending time with God means spending 2 hours in prayer. That is not true. If you have the 2 hours then that is great. If you have 30 minutes then make the most of the time you have.
  5. You are never too busy. We tell ourselves that we are just too busy to make time for God. We make our own schedule. Make time for God!

I believe, if we would implement these tips on staying focused in the busyness of life, we would see a big change.

God help me to not get distracted by time wasters!

Thank you for stopping by today. Check out another blog called Peeling Back The Layers To Reveal New Life! Talk to you soon.


Our Focus Gets Lost In the Cares Of The Day!

Our focus gets lost in the cares of the day!
Our focus gets lost in the cares of the day!

Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. We are always busy at our house. What about yours? Today I am talking how our focus gets lost in the cares of the day!

Busy here, busy there. Do you find yourself saying this on a daily basis? Yeah, me too! Our focus gets lost in the cares of the day!

When someone asks you about your day do you respond, “I’m so busy.”

I have realized in the last month that I cannot allow my busy schedule to get in the way of my time with God even if I have to get earlier. I never really understood what it meant to pray without ceasing.

My grandparents prayed throughout the day. But, I believed that if I devoted some time to God during the day I was pleasing God. On many days, I allowed myself to get focused on the cares of the day and would forget about my time with God!

I soon realized my time that I had set aside wasn’t enough. I had to get past my thoughts that I was a bother to God if I asked Him for little things.

Including God in every area of my life wasn’t easy and still isn’t.

You know what, I learned that God cares about the tiniest things in our lives such as a parking place at the grocery store.

So, make time throughout your day for God! He wants to be a part of everything.

I love this scripture and it helps me when I’m feeling overwhelmed: Psalms 103: 1-5.

Have a wonderful week! Thank you for stopping by

When we focus on the negative…

Don't allow negative, or unkind thoughts to fill your mind!
Don’t allow negative, or unkind thoughts to fill your mind!

Happy Monday! We are already in July. I hope that everyone is spending time with their friends and family.

When I was growing up, my parents watched the weekly television show, “Hee Haw.” I remember one of the songs they always sang each week was about spreading rumors. Rumors are the worst. The more we listen to rumors the more our minds become filled with negative thoughts! When we focus on the negative…

When we allow negative thoughts to fill our minds, it always comes out of our mouths. Matthew 12:34 states, “…For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.

When we focus on the negative…

Everything begins with a thought! The more thoughts of love and kindness, the more we view others as being kind and loving. When things become right on the inside, things will be right on the outside.

Matthew 12:33 states, “Either made the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is recognized and judged by its fruit.”

It all begins with our hearts and mind. When we focus on the love of God and fellowship with Him every day, we are planting good seeds. When we focus on negative thoughts, we are planting bad seeds.

Reject the negative and unkind…

Friends, make time for God in your daily schedule. I can’t survive on a Sunday fill-up. I need God every day.

How are you? Send me an email or message me on Social Media. If you need prayer, I would love to pray for you.

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