Crockpot Roasted Chicken and Vegetables

Crockpot Roasted Chicken and Vegetables is a great kid-friendly recipe to make for lunch or supper. You can set it and forget it in the crockpot at lunch and it is ready for supper. Or if you want it for lunch, put it on in the morning and you will have something yummy, healthy, and delicious for lunch.

Crockpot Roasted Chicken and Vegetables
Crockpot Roasted Chicken and Vegetables


You can put the leftover chicken in a baggy and store in the freezer until you are ready to make foods such as quick and easy quesadillas, fajitas, casseroles, or yummy chicken salad. The leftover vegetables will freeze up great in a baggy. I like to use the vegetables in a stir fry or a pasta dish.

Sunday lunch

was probably my favorite time growing up. I have so many memories of my mom starting a roast and vegetables in the electric skillet before we went to church. After church, our house was filled with the smells of the yummy roast and veggies. Mom always made a yummy dessert the day before. Sunday lunches were the best at our house!

More tips:

For this recipe, I use a whole grass-fed chicken. I purchase all of my chicken from Buck Creek Meats. Since I am not a gardener, I purchase my vegetables from the local Farmer’s Market.

Farmer's Market
Farmer’s Market


  • Whole Grass-Fed Chicken
  • Chopped Onions, Carrots, and Potatoes
  • Chicken Broth
  • Seasonings


1. Spray the crockpot with non-stick spray. Cut up the potatoes, onions, and carrots. Place all of the vegetables in the bottom of the crockpot.

2. Wash and clean the chicken. Place it on top of the vegetables and pour chicken broth over it. Then season the chicken.

3. **Cook on high for 4 to 5 hours in the crockpot. If you are cooking on low then cook for at least 8 hours.

For more great recipes click on the link.

I pray you have a fantastic Tuesday!

Are you feeling discouraged?

Happy Monday! How are you doing? Are you feeling discouraged? Webster’s Dictionary defines being discouraged as deprived of courage confidence. Do you feel like you have lost your courage? We still have hope.

Are you feeling discouraged?
Are you feeling discouraged?

Life has its share of disappointment and heartaches. But we have hope.

Hope as an anchor…

Hebrews 6:19 tells us, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

Expect good things to happen.

Isaiah 30:18 states, “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up and show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait on Him.”

Meditate on the good things that God has brought you through. We may be going to hard times, but we have hope that things will work out.

In Genesis 17, God promised Abraham, he and Sarah would have a son. Even though Abraham and Sarah were beyond child-bearing years, Abraham never gave up hope that Sarah would have a child. He didn’t ignore the reality but he had hope.

Have hope today that good things will happen.


I triple dog dare you…

Happy Friday! “A Christmas Story” is one of my favorite Christmas movies. In the movie, Flick and Schwartz argue over what would happen if someone should stick their tongue to a frozen flagpole, and Schwartz dares Flick to stick his tongue to the pole. Schwartz said, “I triple dog dare you.” This did not end up well for Flick.

I triple dog dare you
I triple dog dare you

Yesterday, I finished reading “Healing the Soul of a Woman” by Joyce Meyer. It was probably one of the most inspiring books that I have read in a long time.

When we make mistakes, we tend to focus on what is wrong with us instead of what is right with us. There are so many things that we do well that we should be focusing on.

God is full of goodness and through His grace and mercy all of our sins are forgiven and forgotten.

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I double dog dare you…

to start your day with something positive. Read and meditate on a Scripture. Find a book to read that is uplifting.

I triple dog dare you…

to make a list of things that you do well.

Lastly, give to God what you are not!!! Go ahead, I dare you.

Blessings to you today.