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Troubles Will Come, But Don’t Give Up On Hope!

Troubles Will Come But Don't Give Up On Hope!
Troubles Will Come, But Don’t Give Up On Hope!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! This week is Spring Break for many. If that is you, I hope you enjoy your Spring Break. This week, I am discussing something so simple, but oh so powerful. Troubles will come, but don’t give up on hope!

We have all been through things in our life. I remember when my oldest son was small and I was attending college. We lived on a tight budget which meant not having much to eat. My goal was to finish my college so I could get a better job to support my family.

When I look back at that time in my life, God was faithful. I never remember a time when God let me down. God would always send someone to ask us to dinner or even bring over a few groceries.

I knew in my heart that this would pass!

One thing that got me through the hard times, was my hope!

Friends, we cannot allow ourselves to give up on hope! Otherwise, we would be constantly filled with worry and anxiety. Troubles will come, but don’t give up on hope!

Friends, we cannot allow ourselves to give up on hope! Otherwise, we would be constantly filled with worry and anxiety. Troubles will come, but don’t give up on hope!

We need the hope that only God can give. What are you plugged into? Jesus is our power source.

We need the hope that only God can give. What are you plugged into? Jesus is our power source.

Psalm 62: 5-6 states, “Yes, my soul, find rest in God;  my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

Life can be so overwhelming at times. However, I have learned to trust God in the good and the bad. Trust is built through the tough times.

Troubles will come, but don’t give up on hope!

Stay connected! I hope you will continue to read my blog every Monday

How To Be Full Of Hope!

How to be still full of hope!
How to be full of hope!

Happy Monday! We are well into the new year. How are you? It has been a rough week or weeks for many of us. My family has been sick and is still working through all of it. Friends even through the hard times we can be full of hope!

Life is hard! Can I get an amen? Okay, I said it so now let’s move on to the good news.

One thing that I need every day is the peace of God.

It is so easy to have peace and hope in the good times. But oh in the bad, peace is hard to find.

Proverbs 23:18, “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”

First, stop thinking so much!

I tend to overthink everything. I have to remind myself to stop thinking so much on a daily basis.

Second, if you need help, ask!

I am terrible at asking for help. I have always been good at figuring things out on my own. However, I find when I ask for God’s help, things work out so much better.

Third, start your day with God!

I can’t tell you how much better my day goes when I take time to spend with God each morning. Even if I only read one Bible verse and say a quick prayer, it sticks with me the rest of the day.

Start your new year off right! Be a person that remains hopeful no matter what. Look for the good in things. Don’t try to go it alone. Ask God to help you throughout your day.

Stay hopeful!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

Thank you for joining me in the new year! Please continue to follow my blog at

Our energy level affects our hope!

Our energy level affects our hope!
Our energy level affects our hope!

Happy Monday! Our energy level affects our level of creativity, desire, and motivation. When we are tired, we have a tendency to let fearful thoughts creep in. Our energy level affects our hope!

1 Timothy 6:12 states, “Fight the good fight of the faith [in the conflict with evil]; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and [for which] you made the good confession [of faith] in the presence of many witnesses.”

If we allow fearful thoughts to come into our minds, these thoughts can drain our energy. On the days that I am the most tired, I have allowed fear to creep into my mind.

Let’s face it, it is so easy to do when we are surrounded by chaos. The things in the world can suck the very life out of us. Our energy level affects our hope!

However, God gives us the ability to reject fear. We all feel fear. But before we let it take control of our minds, we can reject it!

Trade the feelings of fear for faith. Timothy ultimately made decisions based on faith, not fear.

Declare today I will reject these feelings of fear. I will remain in hope! When we make decisions based on faith, our energy level will increase and we will push past our feelings.

Please check back often at for more good news!