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It just takes one share!

You may be stuck in your house today or maybe you are going to the grocery store! I was thinking today about how many things we have to be thankful for. We have participated in the days of thankfulness that lead up to Thanksgiving.

Yesterday, I posted “Change Your Focus!” The words resonated with me and I realized I need to be content and thankful even now in the midst of the Coronavirus.

So, let’s start a movement all across the nation. What are you thankful for today? Let’s keep this going until the crisis is over and even beyond.

I will start, I am thankful that we can watch church online today!

“…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

**Everyday post what you are thankful for. We have so much to be thankful for. I know that you can do this! Share this with your friends and ask them to share it with their friends. Let’s start a movement all across the nation. It just takes one share to reach so many!

What are you thankful for today?



“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heaves:” (Ecclesiastes 3: 1). We are nearing the end of the year. Now is the time when we are thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. I make a New Year’s Resolution every year. For example, one of which includes losing some weight. I can remember a time in my life when I could not gain weight but now it is quite the opposite. The main problem; I like food! I love sweets especially chocolate. I digress! 

We make resolutions but do we follow through? We have great intentions and maybe we do follow through but is this really what we need to focus on? 

One resolution that is definitely the most important one of all is to draw closer to God. How do we this? For one, I believe God calls us to stay in His word, which is a struggle when we live in a world full of distractions. I can tell you that the rewards are great! Another way to draw closer to God is to spend time in prayer. Prayer time does not have to be a time on our knees although that is not a bad idea, it can be a time when we say a prayer under our breath or a time in the morning where we say a quick prayer of thanksgiving. I don’t know about you, but I need to talk to God throughout the day. I cannot make it without Him. 

Make God the main focus of your mind and heart in the New Year! Take a few minutes to listen to “King of My Heart” by Steffany Gretzinger. 



Do you get easily distracted? Have you ever devoted time to reading the Bible or prayer, five minutes pass, and you are thinking about all of the to-dos on your list? Friends, the world is full of distractions from social media, to cell phones, to Netflix, etc. Have you seen the movie, Up? I love the talking dog. He would be doing one thing and see a squirrel and be distracted by the potential squirrel.

I confess I am guilty of being distracted from things that are important in my life such as reading the Bible, time with my family, and even prayer. I wake up in the morning and have my day planned out. I make a to-do list, and every time I check off something on my list, I am dancing on the inside. However, more times than not, I end up wasting a lot of my day with things that are pointless. 

In my last blog, I shared that I have been asking God, “what does he want me to do in 2019?” 

Friends, we have a purpose in God. If we ask God what He wants us to do, he will let us know. God determines our purpose. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God Works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.  And those He predestined, He also classed; those He called, He also justified, those He justified, He also glorified.”

Stay focused and do not be distracted by the things in life. Call upon the name of the Lord day or night! Listen to worship music throughout your day. Seek God!