Browsing Tag: wise

Do something now that will make you happy later!

Do something now that will make you happy later!
Do something now that will make you happy later!

I confess that many decisions that I have made for my life were led by a random thought. Or I have allowed things such as the weather, sleep, how I am feeling, or the way others treat me to affect my decisions. In truth, when I look back, my emotions whether high or low led me to make my decisions. It is important to wait until our emotions subside to make important decisions. So, in the waiting and the praying I will do something now that will make me happy later!

Be wise!

Wisdom is based on the Word of God! Colossians 4:5 states, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.”

Don’t do something you don’t have peace about!

I have learned from the past to pray about decisions before I make them. My husband is so much better at this than I. He is always slow to make decisions. It is important to pray and wait and don’t do something we don’t have peace about!

God knows what’s best and will lead us to make a decision that will make us happy later.