Browsing Tag: peace

I thought I was doing okay…

How has your week been? I thought I was doing okay but this week I feel like I am on a roller coaster. We see some areas moving toward reopening. Others are just not certain what to do. Some people are fearful and rightly so. Things are changing daily.

I thought I was doing okay…

The verse that I am sharing this week has helped me throughout the week. I am doing a study in Colossians. The more I dig into God’s word, the more I find there is to unpack in just one verse.

Paul knew what we needed to be okay when he said…

“…Grace and peace to you from God our Father” (Colossians 1:2)

Paul greets the people in churches like he personally knew them. I can tell you on a personal level it is hard to have the peace of God when things seem so out of control around you.

What I am learning is…

grace is not deserved but is freely given.
grace is the power from God to do what we never thought we could.

I thought I was doing okay but I need…

the peace of God in my life!

Please check out my website for more encouragement. We are in this together.

Blessings to you!