Browsing Tag: grace

I triple dog dare you…

Happy Friday! “A Christmas Story” is one of my favorite Christmas movies. In the movie, Flick and Schwartz argue over what would happen if someone should stick their tongue to a frozen flagpole, and Schwartz dares Flick to stick his tongue to the pole. Schwartz said, “I triple dog dare you.” This did not end up well for Flick.

I triple dog dare you
I triple dog dare you

Yesterday, I finished reading “Healing the Soul of a Woman” by Joyce Meyer. It was probably one of the most inspiring books that I have read in a long time.

When we make mistakes, we tend to focus on what is wrong with us instead of what is right with us. There are so many things that we do well that we should be focusing on.

God is full of goodness and through His grace and mercy all of our sins are forgiven and forgotten.

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

I double dog dare you…

to start your day with something positive. Read and meditate on a Scripture. Find a book to read that is uplifting.

I triple dog dare you…

to make a list of things that you do well.

Lastly, give to God what you are not!!! Go ahead, I dare you.

Blessings to you today.

Take one day at a time!

Happy Thursday! When I was a little girl, my parents bought me a Duncan Yo-Yo. When my boys were younger, yo-yos became popular again. Speaking of yo-yos, lately, I’ve been feeling like a yo-yo! One day we are told to follow a guideline and the next day we are told it is not necessary. I am learning through all of this to take one day at a time!

Take one day at a time
Take one day at a time

We can get anxious by worrying about tomorrow’s problems. So many times, I’ve caught myself worrying about things that I obviously can’t control, but still, I worry.

Do not worry…

Take one day a time

God will give us the grace we need to make it through the day. When we worry about tomorrow, we are not trusting in God.

Fear the Lord
Fear the Lord

When we trust in the Lord, “it will be health to our nerves.” I needed that word today.

How about you?

I don’t know why we are going through this time in our lives. I do know who holds our today and our tomorrows. Take hold of His hand today. He will give you the grace to get you through!

So, take one day at a time.

For more great inspirational words, click on the link.

Blessings to you!

I thought I was doing okay…

How has your week been? I thought I was doing okay but this week I feel like I am on a roller coaster. We see some areas moving toward reopening. Others are just not certain what to do. Some people are fearful and rightly so. Things are changing daily.

I thought I was doing okay…

The verse that I am sharing this week has helped me throughout the week. I am doing a study in Colossians. The more I dig into God’s word, the more I find there is to unpack in just one verse.

Paul knew what we needed to be okay when he said…

“…Grace and peace to you from God our Father” (Colossians 1:2)

Paul greets the people in churches like he personally knew them. I can tell you on a personal level it is hard to have the peace of God when things seem so out of control around you.

What I am learning is…

grace is not deserved but is freely given.
grace is the power from God to do what we never thought we could.

I thought I was doing okay but I need…

the peace of God in my life!

Please check out my website for more encouragement. We are in this together.

Blessings to you!