Browsing Tag: focus

It’s Better To Start Your Day With Something Positive!

Romans 12:2 It's Better To Start Your Day With Something Positive!
It’s Better To Start Your Day With Something Positive!

Happy Monday and happy Spring! I hope that your weekend was great. Do you wake up thinking negative thoughts? Have you ever been driving in your care and those negative thoughts start flooding your mind? When this happens, it can cause fear to creep into your life. It is a constant battle. However, to overcome these negative thoughts, it’s better to start your day with something positive.

One of my favorite things in the Spring, are the beautiful flowers that pop up everywhere. I love my rose bushes and day lilies.

Flowers must have a few things to grow. If they aren’t rooted in the ground correctly, they would die. Also, without water and sun they wouldn’t grow into a beautiful flower.

Friends, in the same way we should be rooted and grounded in our faith.

Without the Word of God to water our soul, our foundation is weak. The Word of God is a lamp that shines bright. Starting our day with God, will provide that strong foundation we need to get through our day.

We can’t grow without a strong foundation.

The Bible says in Romans 12:2 states, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Set aside time every day to renew your mind. Friends, it’s better to start your day with something positive! Give it a try!

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One more thing to do before the New Year!

One more thing to do before the New Year!
One more thing to do before the New Year!

Hello friends! I hope that your Christmas was really great. This year we spent time with our granddaughters so it was amazing. We only have a few more days left in 2020. It seems that everyone wants to rush through the days we have left. However, I believe there is still one more thing to do before the new year!

I do believe that the celebration of Christmas does not have to end here. Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Even though, I enjoy looking at the Christmas decorations, I also enjoy putting them away.

There were was so many bad things that happened in 2020. Just thinking about it all makes my heart sad. But, there is one more thing to do before the New Year! I believe that Jesus would like us to concentrate on the good.

If you are reading my blog right now, you have so much to be grateful for. We are still here after going through and still going through the worst Pandemic of my life. God is walking beside you and me! Look around at what you have and not wish for what you don’t have.

Before we say Happy New Year, think about all of the good in 2020.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Focus on the promises of God! He is always good!

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Refuse to be discouraged when you face opposition!

Refuse to be discouraged, instead proclaim the goodness of God!
Refuse to be discouraged, instead proclaim the goodness of God!

The children of Israel faced a lot of opposition as they worked to restore the temple of God. Even with all of their opposition, they never lost sight of the goodness of God! Friends, we are certainly facing a lot of opposition today. Refuse to be discouraged, instead proclaim the goodness of God!

You may think you have nothing to be thankful for. Friends, we have plenty to be thankful for.

When the foundation of the temple was laid, the Israelites praised God and gave thanks. We don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to give thanks.

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