Browsing Tag: Change

One way to change your life forever!

Do you feel like God is wanting you to make a change? Is there one thing that you could do to change your life forever? What are you doing with your time? Friends, we have so much beauty just outside of our homes. Are you taking this time to stop, relax, and smell the roses?

One way to change your life forever-Finding Meaning

For example…

this past week, I walked around my yard and took pictures of the beautiful flowers. I noticed on social media others are doing the same.

I spend a lot of my time…

in the kitchen so I decided to look for some easy crockpot meals to save me time. Do you love to bake? I am having a terrible time finding yeast. If you have been able to purchase yeast, let me know. I baked banana bread a couple of weeks ago. Who doesn’t love banana bread? I tried baking bread without yeast and let’s just say it wasn’t the same.

One thing…

that I am doing on a daily basis is listening to uplifting podcasts. I love Joyce Meyers and Steven Furtick. Let me know your favorites. To stay positive throughout my day, I am learning to change my focus.

Changing our focus will change our attitude in our waiting. God calls us to live in peace in every situation.

How do we live in peace? We call out to Jesus throughout the day.

Help me, Jesus!

Solomon spent his life searching for meaning but ended up being disappointed, frustrated, and exhausted. We can spend our days searching for the meaning behind the Coronavirus, but it will only frustrate us and cause anxiety.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

Meaning is not found under the sun but in the Son. Spend time focusing on things that are edifying and build you up.

Change your focus and you will change your life forever!