Stop Doubting And Concentrate On The Promises!

Stop doubting and concentrate on the promises!
Stop doubting and concentrate on the promises!

Happy Monday! We are ending the month of August. It seems August has flown by. It has been a super busy month at my house. I think along with busy, we can have so many troubles. When I start having trouble I start to doubt and question. Today I declare I will stop doubting and concentrate on the promises!

Friends are you being attacked? It seems like once I pray through one attack, another one starts.

Matthew 16:16 states, “Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” In Matthew, the disciples knew Jesus was the Son of the living.

When we stand on the promises of God’s word, we can put our trust in the Son of the living God.

Friends, it is so easy to doubt when we are being attacked or when we look at the chaos of the world. Continuous prayer and praise is the only way we can keep doubt from entering our mind and hearts.

Thank you for stopping by today. Don’t forget to check out my website at

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