How Do I Trust God Completely And Not Worry?

How do I trust God completely and not worry?
How do I trust God completely and not worry?

Happy Monday! I hope that you’ve had a great start to your September. I took a short break but I’m back. It seems like everyone is going through something. Life is so hard. But how do I trust God completely and not worry?

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

We all worry! When we worry, we focus on the wrong things. We lean on our own means to solve the problem.

The cause of worry is pretty simple. We stop putting our faith and trust in God. How do I trust God completely and not worry?

God has the solutions for everything and His solutions are so much better than ours. When we put our trust in God, we can rest in knowing that He’s got us.

Our goal for today and everyday is to stop worrying which requires us to learn a new way of life. Who is with me? Say “I trust God completely.”

Stop Doubting And Concentrate On The Promises!

Stop doubting and concentrate on the promises!
Stop doubting and concentrate on the promises!

Happy Monday! We are ending the month of August. It seems August has flown by. It has been a super busy month at my house. I think along with busy, we can have so many troubles. When I start having trouble I start to doubt and question. Today I declare I will stop doubting and concentrate on the promises!

Friends are you being attacked? It seems like once I pray through one attack, another one starts.

Matthew 16:16 states, “Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” In Matthew, the disciples knew Jesus was the Son of the living.

When we stand on the promises of God’s word, we can put our trust in the Son of the living God.

Friends, it is so easy to doubt when we are being attacked or when we look at the chaos of the world. Continuous prayer and praise is the only way we can keep doubt from entering our mind and hearts.

Thank you for stopping by today. Don’t forget to check out my website at

A Positive You Is a Powerful You!

A positive you is a powerful you!
A positive you is a powerful you!

Happy Monday, Friends! August is always a busy month with the start of school and the end of Summer. I don’t have little ones at home but I still love to shop for school supplies. I never grow tired of shopping for fun desk supplies. It’s so easy to allow ourselves to be negative. Oh we can always find something to complain about. I am learning through it all, a positive me is a powerful me!

Do you see the glass half full or half empty? When I was little, I might allow myself to get down for a short while but I always picked myself back up. I read a story about an organization offering money for wolves that were captured. Two little boys decided to camp out and wait for the wolves to come. One had fallen asleep but the other boy stayed awake. When the wolves came, one of the boys woke the other and said, “we’re rich.” He could have been scared and ran away but he saw it as an opportunity.

Philippians 4:8 states, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

What opportunity are you passing up in your life because you are seeing all of the negative?

Many times I have allowed my negativity to take over and missed out on a great opportunity. Also, when that negativity seeps in, it’s hard to get out. Let’s be honest, it’s hard to see the bright side sometimes.

Make a commitment today to be a positive person. The more positive you are, the more powerful you will be!

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Come back next week