It Seems To Be Rare In Today’s World!

Mark 12:31
It seems to be rare in today’s world

Happy Monday and Happy New Years to you. We are well into 2023 and I hope that you are well. Over the next weeks, I want to talk about something that seems to be rare in today’s world. I hope that you will join me.

In the 1960s, Brian Piccolo tried out for the Chicago Bears as a free agent. Brian worked hard over the next four years and was promoted to backup tailback behind Gale Sayers. Piccolo started experiencing breathing difficulty which led to removal from the game. He was diagnosed with embryonal cell carcinoma. Piccolo underwent surgery but the cancer spread. When the league recognized Gale Sayers with the George Halas Award, Sayers acknowledged his friend and teammate, Piccolo in his speech. He said that he loved Brian Piccolo, asked them to love him too, and to pray for him.

Sayers didn’t want the night to be about him and his accomplishments. His heart and mind was on his friend and what he was going through. This is rare in today’s world.

The Oxford Dictionary defines Kindness as “the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.”

I believe it is so much more!

While the definition is a great start, being kind requires so much more of us.

Mark 12:31 states, “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

This week I challenge you to reach out to friends that you haven’t heard from in a while.

Have a wonderful week and stay motivated!

Citation: Oxford Dictionary (n.d.) defines “kindness” as “the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate” (Definition 1).

Tis The Season For Giving!

Tis the season for giving!
Tis the season for giving!

Happy Monday! Christmas is a time that we focus on giving. Every year, it is always a mad dash to have all of my Christmas shopping done, food prep complete, and all the presents wrapped. Tis the season for giving!

I start early in the year buying gifts for all of my family. However, it never seems like there is enough time.

God says in His word that our giving should be year round. Luke 4:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

When I read this, I used to think this only applied to my money. I have learned over the years that it applies to so much more than just a season of giving and my money!

For starters, time is a very important thing we can give. It may be a phone call to a friend or loved one. Or even, making a dinner for people that are sick.

Whatever it is, try giving all throughout the year. Don’t wait until Christmas to give.

My Mind Is Made Up, I’m Not Giving Up!

My mind is made up, I'm not giving up!
My mind is made up, I’m not giving up!

Happy Monday! I hope your weekend went well. Our weekends seem to fly by. This week, I’m talking about having a made up mind and not giving up!

When I focus on the bad things, it always makes me feel down.

Paul urges us to set our minds on things about in Colossians 3:2, “ Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

This doesn’t mean that we only think about heaven. We should be focusing on the positive. If you have at least one good thing going on in your life, be grateful.

I think the Devil likes us to get busy with life and forget to stop and be thankful. I always love it when I see people pull over the side of the road to enjoy the beauty of God.

My day is so much better when I start with the positive.

I have made up my mind, I am not giving up!