Do you need a friend?

James 1:17
James 1:17

We moved to a different town when I was in the first grade. I cried because I had to leave my best friend and I never thought I would have another friend like her. I didn’t realize then that I already had a friend. Do you need a friend? We have a friend in God. He is always good and always listens.

“Every good thing is given and every perfect gift is from above; if comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variation or shadow cast by His turning. It was of His own will that He gave us birth by the word of truth so that we would be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.” James 1:17-18

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What are you focused on?

Matthew 14:28-31
Matthew 14:28-31

What are you focused on? When we focus on ourselves or our circumstances, we begin to lose hope. Peter focused on the wind and the waves and he began to sink (Matthew 14:28-31). As soon as Peter focused on Jesus, he was able to walk across the sea. When we keep our focus on Jesus, miracles happen. Don’t focus on the wind and the waves!

For more inspiration check out my website at

Seek The Lord and His Strength!

1 Chronicles 16:11
1 Chronicles 16:11

As a young child, I remember playing hide and seek. I was great at hiding in places where no one could find me. Sometimes I feel like I seek but I can’t find God. Do you feel like God is hiding from you? Are you seeking God continually? Don’t give up hope! Have faith that God is waiting for you to talk to Him. Start this week expecting good things to happen. God is working even when we cannot see Him! Seek the Lord and His strength!

For more inspiration check out my blog at