Are you feeling a little insecure?

Are you feeling a little insecure?
Are you feeling a little insecure?

Many times, we get angry with ourselves, but it appears that we are angry with everyone else. For example, I used to get angry if my house wasn’t clean before I left for work. The more I tried to have everything neat and tidy the worse it got! Needless to say, my boys were never interested in cleaning the house. So, I would take it upon myself to clean and clean and clean! No matter how hard I tried to make my house perfect, the more frustrated I got! My life was out of control. I was feeling insecure.

Maybe we try to control things in our lives because we are insecure. We want to be the perfect wife, mom, employee, etc. and when we aren’t, we become more and more insecure.

Repeat after me: Nobody is perfect! (Only Jesus)

You are not alone! Even Peter was so insecure, he denied three times that he was even with Jesus.

Are you feeling a little insecure?

First, to get rid of our insecurities, admit that we have a problem and allow God to deliver us from these. God offers us security in Him!

It is not God’s will for us to be insecure. God loves us! No matter what we do, He still loves us!

He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.” Psalm 40:2

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You are gonna want to try these today!

You are gonna want to try these today!
You are gonna want to try these today!

Today’s keeping it simple all day, the everyday recipe is one of the easiest and besting tasting banana nut muffins that I have made. If you like banana nut muffins, this is the recipe for you. Your kids will love them too! Believe me, these are so easy to make. I love baking and finding recipes that are quick, easy, and delicious. These muffins have all the great flavors that you love. You are gonna want to try these today.

For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

 Psalms 107:9

Banana Nut Bread
Banana Nut Bread

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Are you feeling burdened by the noise of the world?

Are you burdened with the noise of the world

This past week, I was just thinking about the crazy things going on in the world. After a while, it just becomes a lot of noise for me! Are you feeling burdened by the noise of the world?

What do you do to drown out the noise in your world?

I turn on praise and worship music.

In bad times, praise Him! In good times, praise Him!

Are your feeling burdened by the noise of the world? To block out the noise of life, get your praise on!

Please share your stories about times that praise music helped you get through a hard time.

What is your favorite song?

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