Are you tired of thinking you are not good enough?

Are you tired of not enough?
Are you tired of not enough?

I remember back when my boys were little when I would often stay awake at night thinking about things that I wasn’t doing. For a few years, I was a single mom raising two boys on a teacher’s salary. I had so many worries. Do I pray enough? Am I reading the Bible enough? Am I a good enough wife? Is what I am doing as a mother enough? Do I exercise enough? Are you tired of thinking you are not good enough?

The Webster dictionary defines enough as “a sufficient number, quantity, or amount.” What is required?

Without God, I can never be enough…

Jesus is not sitting somewhere making a tally of the things that we are doing on a daily basis. However, Satan wants you to believe that you are never enough no matter how hard you try. On the contrary, Jesus wants us to know that with Him we are enough! Are you tired of not enough?

Wake up each day believing you are more than enough…

All He expects is for us to wake up each day and do our best! I am so glad that I learned that in Christ, I am more than enough!

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

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Don’t worry, God’s got this!

Don't worry, pray instead!
Don’t worry, God’s got this!

I have often heard the phrase, “give it to God.” How do we give our worries to God? We can do that through our prayers. But if we pray about something but continue to worry about it, we are right back to where we started. As long as we worry, we are not trusting God. Make a decision today to give your worries to God. He can take it!

Do the Simple and Easy Taco Happy Dance!

Do the Simple and Easy Taco Happy Dance!

Do you love tacos as much as I do? I think tacos are probably one of my favorite foods to eat. I am not alone because millions of people eat crunchy or soft tacos every day. Just thinking about today’s recipe makes me happy. I want to do the simple and easy taco happy dance.

Every taco might not be the same…

There are a few differences between Mexican vs a Tex-Mex taco. For example, a Mexican taco involves using a soft corn tortilla, not flour, and topped with fresh cilantro and chopped onions instead of cheese. The Mexican taco is not spicy because you can add salsa to the top. Once you taste it, you will want to do the simple and easy taco happy dance!

Tacos make me happy…

Growing up, we didn’t have a Taco place near us. My mom would make homemade tacos. However, we would also have taco soup, taco casserole, taco dip, and taco lasagna. Simple and easy, right! I remember when my grandpa shared the recipe for his Mexican casserole. Since then, I have tweaked the recipe a bit to satisfy my hungry boys.

There are so many different taco recipes…

Today, there are so many yummy taco recipes that are so easy to make. You can pretty make different taco recipes every day of the week.

Taco Dance!

Today I am sharing a Taco Lasagna Recipe that is so easy to make you will want to do the simple and easy taco happy dance!

Do the Simple and Easy Taco Happy Dance!