It’s never too late to think of others because sharing is caring!

It’s never too late to think of others

Thanksgiving is this week and you may be baking and preparing the turkey or ham right now. I will be busy baking and doing some prep work for my side dishes. I love Thanksgiving foods. So, what do you do with all of your leftovers? I want to start by saying that you can certainly share your love with your friends, family, or neighbors. It’s never too late to think of others because sharing is caring!

Last week I shared two great and free eBooks that I created just for you to help you with your Thanksgiving meal planning. If you have not already planned out your meal, I included them below as a free download. Click on the button to view the menu idea. If you would like the free download, click on the download button.

Now on to the leftovers. What do you do with all of your leftovers once you’ve eaten your Thanksgiving meal? We are having a smaller gathering this year. It was totally our decision. So, I know there will be plenty of leftovers. It’s never too late to think of others because sharing is caring.

We purchase a smoked turkey or ham for Thanksgiving which saves me on time. If you are interested in purchasing a delicious smoked ham or turkey for Christmas, check out 5-C Smokehouse.

Thanksgiving is not only for giving thanks to God but also for giving to others.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.” Psalm 7:17

Finally, I have another free offer for you today. You can download or check out this Leftover eBook. I included a few favorites and ideas that you make either the day after Thanksgiving or later.

I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for checking out my blog at

Refuse to be discouraged when you face opposition!

Refuse to be discouraged, instead proclaim the goodness of God!
Refuse to be discouraged, instead proclaim the goodness of God!

The children of Israel faced a lot of opposition as they worked to restore the temple of God. Even with all of their opposition, they never lost sight of the goodness of God! Friends, we are certainly facing a lot of opposition today. Refuse to be discouraged, instead proclaim the goodness of God!

You may think you have nothing to be thankful for. Friends, we have plenty to be thankful for.

When the foundation of the temple was laid, the Israelites praised God and gave thanks. We don’t have to wait until Thanksgiving to give thanks.

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I Challenge You To Choose To Be Grateful…

Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude of Gratitude

I have often read that happiness is a state of mind. We can actually choose to be happy even in the midst of a storm. Even though, the struggle for a thankful heart is real. However, I find when I choose to focus on the things that I have, my attitude begins to change. I challenge you to choose to be grateful.

“For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:” 1 Timothy 4:4.

Focus on the positive…

When we have a grateful heart, we become stronger. Gratefulness is good for the soul and for our health. Have you ever found yourself singing songs of praise throughout your day?

I challenge you…

I challenge you this week to take some time to think about things that you are thankful for. Find creative ways to be grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends! Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog at

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