Don’t wait to make new memories with your family!

Do you love to bake? Christmas is probably my most favorite time of the year because I love to make all the different desserts. When my boys were little, they enjoyed sampling all of my baked goods. I love to package it all up in cute little tins and give it away for Christmas. I remember going to my grandma’s house and finding these Christmas tins filled with peanut brittle, fudge, and fruit cake. Don’t wait to make new memories with your family!

One of my favorite cakes that my grandma made was her Baby Food Cake. My mom also made this cake for us girls when we were younger. So today, I am sharing my favorite memories that began in the kitchen starting with my favorite recipes.

I think what makes Baby Food Cake so yummy are the spices and of course the baby food. My mom always used plum baby food but you can use other flavors such as apples or even apricot. Don’t wait to make new memories with your family!

Baby Food Cake

  • 2 cups self-rising flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 1/2 tsp. cloves
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup oil or butter
  • 2 jars of baby food (plum, apple, apricot)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Spray non-stick cooking spray in a bundt pan. Cream oil and sugar, add eggs one at a time. Add baby food and sifted dry ingredients. Pour into a prepared bundt pan for 45-50 minutes.


  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • juice of a lemon

For more great recipes, please continue to follow my blog. I am sharing some of my favorite Christmas recipes over the next few weeks.

Fill the holes in your foundation now!

Fill the holes in your foundation now!
By Faith

A solid foundation is crucial to the building process. A good foundation will whether storm damage, flooding, or heat, but if not properly laid or installed the foundation can start to crumble. Foundations apply to our homes and our lives. Your foundation may be cracking a bit. It is time to fill the holes in your foundation now!

I remember as a little girl singing a song about the wise man and foolish man. The foolish man built his house upon the sand and when the rains came, the house fell. However, the wise man built his house upon a rock and when the rain came, his house stood firm.

Your foundation may have a few holes…

Matthew 7:24 says, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” When I think of our spiritual foundation, I think about our faith.

By faith…

I have started to study on Hebrews 11. I love it because all of the scriptures include something about faith. For example, by faith Noah built an ark, Abraham moved even though he didn’t know where he was going, Sarah had a baby even though she was past the age for it, and the Israelites cross the Red Sea.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of the things we hope for, being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality.”

You might be wondering how we can fill the cracks in our foundation (faith). Our faith is shaken by things that happen in our lives such as divorce, job loss, Pandemic, death, and illness. These things can cause cracks in our foundation over time.

Fill your holes in your foundation now with the word of God. Read Hebrews 11 and study the heroes of faith and watch your faith continue to build.

Thank you for checking out my blog. Come back soon!

Do something now that will make you happy later!

Do something now that will make you happy later!
Do something now that will make you happy later!

I confess that many decisions that I have made for my life were led by a random thought. Or I have allowed things such as the weather, sleep, how I am feeling, or the way others treat me to affect my decisions. In truth, when I look back, my emotions whether high or low led me to make my decisions. It is important to wait until our emotions subside to make important decisions. So, in the waiting and the praying I will do something now that will make me happy later!

Be wise!

Wisdom is based on the Word of God! Colossians 4:5 states, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.”

Don’t do something you don’t have peace about!

I have learned from the past to pray about decisions before I make them. My husband is so much better at this than I. He is always slow to make decisions. It is important to pray and wait and don’t do something we don’t have peace about!

God knows what’s best and will lead us to make a decision that will make us happy later.