How to trust when you’ve been hurt!

How to trust when you've been hurt!
How to trust when you’ve been hurt!

Hello Friends! We are starting a new month today. With this new month comes a new series. It is so hard to trust someone that has hurt you. I know this from experience. We learn to trust even when we’ve been hurt!

Foundation of trust…

One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is Proverbs 3: 5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Someone hurts you…

How to trust when you’ve been hurt! Many times people hurt you and they don’t even realize they did anything. They go on with their life and you are drowning and depressed in all of the hurt. One thing I do know is the old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is not true! Words hurt!

What I do know…

We can allow these words to take hold of us and spend the rest of the day in negativity or we can brush it off because we know who we are in Christ.

We know who we are in Christ when we spend more time with God. It is the foundation of trust that we need. When someone hurts us, give it to God.

When we cast it all on God, we move forward. We trust even when someone hurts us. Put your trust in the one who will never let you down.

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How to start your day off right!

How to start your day off right!
How to start your day off right!

Happy Monday! I pray that you are well and enjoying your Monday. Last week was far from normal. Over the last year and a half, I have learned so much. But most importantly, I have learned how to start my day off right!

Every day…

Every day that we are given is a blessing so we should make the most of each and every day. Psalms 118: 24 states, “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.”

It is hard to rejoice when we are worried about our electricity going off and having no water. Through it all, I found myself looking for things to be thankful for.

Starting our day with God will give us the strength to make it through anything that comes our way. “I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength.” Philippians 4.13. Our strength is found in God.

How do I start my day off right?

  • Before you even get up out of your bed, pray.
  • Take some time and read the Bible.
  • Listen to a podcast. There are so many great ones but Joyce Meyer is my favorite.
  • Put on some praise and worship music as you get ready for work.
  • Read a devotion.

I hope that you have a blessed week! Thank you for checking out my blog today. Remember to come back every week to check out my blog at

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Two ways to slow down in a hurry-up world!

Two ways to slow down in a hurry-up world!
Two ways to slow down in a hurry-up world!

Happy Monday! It certainly is a cold one around here. As I am sitting and writing this blog, it is 12 degrees outside and snowing. What is the weather like where you are? Today, I am sharing two ways to slow down in a hurry-up world!

Hurry up is a phrase that I catch myself saying all of the time. For example, before I hop into a meeting, I say I am going to hurry and take the dog out or hurry and grab some water. When my boys were little and they wanted me to do something for them, I had to hurry up, with what I was doing to give them my full attention. We live in a hurry-up world.


I believe the Pandemic has caused many of us to slow down our hurry-ups. However, as time as moved along, my hurry-ups have started to come back.

Slow down…

Proverbs 8:34 states, “Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.”

This Proverbs teaches us to watch and wait at the doorway and we will be blessed. Maybe just maybe we miss our blessing because we are in a hurry. Rushing around can become a habit.

Two ways to slow down in a hurry-up world…

  • Take time to breathe and relax between chores.
  • Spend longer thinking and praying before making commitments.

Take a few minutes and ask yourself, why do I feel hurried all of the time? You may find out there really isn’t a good reason. Start today creating good habits for yourself. It is time to slow down in a hurry-up world.

Thank you for checking out my blog today. I hope the words blessed you.

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