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Go Forth and Be Fierce

I hope your Mother’s Day was amazing. I had a great Mother’s Day despite all the crazy things happening in the world. My kids called me throughout the day and even though I couldn’t give my granddaughters a hug, I loved seeing them.

I want to share something God has put on my heart. Many moms are working from home and also homeschooling their kids. Lately, I am feeling that moms are growing weary and Summer hasn’t even started. We need each other.

Go Forth and Be Fierce
Go Forth and Be Fierce

When you take care of yourself

you will have the energy to take care of others. Taking care of yourself is less about being pampered but more about fierceness, obedience, and courage. I believe fierce women have a strength that goes beyond themselves.

Fierce is the new beautiful!
Fierce is the new beautiful

Go forth and be fierce. What does that even mean?

Esther was fierce and beautiful. She was thrust into the kingdom by her cousin Mordecai. Esther soon became Queen of Vashti and risked her life to save her people. (Esther 4-8).

Fierce is the new beautiful

Who’s ready? Esther was beautiful, wise, a warrior, and filled with loving-kindness. Life is hard and we can’t get through it without the grace of God. I could have never made it through the storms of my life without Jesus!

Only Jesus

can make you fierce? Start with changing your focus. Start your day with a prayer. Ask God to help you throughout the day. When I start my day with God, my day is a whole lot better. Find a great book or devotional, and then dive in. Sometimes it is better to study one scripture at a time then to study the whole chapter. I am reading a study of Colossians by Joyce Meyer.

To be fierce you must have the right tools in your toolbox. Esther had the right tools in her toolbox (Esther 4-7). She wasn’t just beautiful, she was fierce. Begin today by studying the scriptures and filling up with Godly confidence.

For more great words to live by, check out my other blogs. Thank you for stopping by.


There is still time to make a change…

Lately, all of my days have seemed like a blur. I cannot believe we are already in May. However, through all of this, I have learned that there is still time to make a change for the good.

There is still time…

In Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”

I believe that God has literally pressed the pause button in all of our lives. Before the Coronavirus, we have spent our days on our own agenda. What is God saying to us during this time?

We need more faith, more hope, more joy, more trust, more of God!

In Romans 12:1, “Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational act of worship.”

We may not know what we are supposed to do but spending time in an act of worship to God, He will do what needs to be done in us.

Use this time to focus on Him and all of His goodness! Reflect back on the things He has brought you through. I don’t want to go back to normal. I am looking forward to the new normal!

Here’s to the new normal!

For more total wellness secrets, check out my website by clicking on the link:

Easy to make: Tasty Earth Day Recipes

Are you looking for some tasty Earth Day recipes to make with your kids today? Look no further! I am coming your way with some fantastic recipes! Let’s celebrate Earth Day all week!

Don’t forget to check out my Passionate 4 Learning Blog this week. I share some fantastic and fun activities that you can easily do with your kids at home.

I hope that you have a nice Tuesday. May you have peace that only God can give that surpasses all understanding. God is in control so put your faith and trust in Him!


Tasty Tuesday Earth Day
Tasty Tuesday’s Earth Day Recipes