What To Do When You Feel Stuck!

John 16:33

Hello friends! Here we are in the middle of August. Time is truly going by quickly. Summer is almost over and I am personally happy to see it go. This Summer has been a hot one. Today I am talking about what to do when you feel stuck!

Have you ever felt like you can’t see a way out of a problem? I have many times in my life.

Joseph had so many bad things happen to him but he never gave up. If you are unfamiliar with Joseph, you can find more about him in the book of Genesis 37-50.

The bottom line, Joseph persevered and didn’t give up!

What do you do when you feel stuck? We can take a few lessons from Joseph.

  1. Don’t give up
  2. Persevere even when he didn’t feel like it
  3. Do what is right

In our lives we may fall into a pit sometimes. But Jesus gives us hope. Read John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God doesn’t promise us a perfect life. But he can take all that bad and turn it around for good.

Are you in a pit right now?

Do you feel stuck?

I would like to pray for you. You can always direct message me or leave your prayer request in the comments.

Please join me next week back here at kamzinsser.com.

People Cannot Read Your Mind!

People cannot read your minds! Be grateful

Hello friends! I hope that you are having a great week. I am certainly ready for a some cooler weather. This week I am discussing how people cannot read your mind. They need to hear your words.

Psalm 100:4 says to, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name!”

As a small child my parents often reminded me to say thank you. I’m sure there were many times that I didn’t feel like saying thank you but I did it anyway.

Saying thank seems so easy but I rarely hear it being said. People cannot read your mind. They need to hear our thank you.

In the same way, God needs to hear us say thank you instead of treating Him as our drive through prayer order. Stop to thank Him for what He has already done.

We should go to God every day, and enter His gates with thanksgiving and be thankful. Having a grateful heart is something that we need to do on a daily basis. Even when we don’t feel like it.

Friends let me know how I can pray for you. Continue to check back for my next blog at kamzinsser.com. Until then, blessings to you!

Fear Can Cause You To Remain In One Place!

Fear can cause you to remain in one place!

Hello Friends! Every where we look there are so many crazy things going on. Fear can cause you to remain in one place!

When I was little we had a bit metal slide on the school playground. I was so scared of heights so I never slid down the big slide. Every day I watched my friends slide down the big slide until one day I slid down the slide.

I overcame my fear!

We can not live in faith and be fearful at the same time.

Fear can cause you to remain in one place, but courage can help you step out.

Isaiah 41:10 states: So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

What are you fearful about? I would love to pray for you. Leave a prayer request in the comments or message me at kamzinsser.com

Here is a great song by Brandon Lake and Maverick City.