I constantly feel burdened, overloaded, and stressed out!

I constantly feel burdened, overloaded, and stressed out!
I constantly feel burdened, overloaded, and stressed out!

Happy Monday! Wow, this month has flown by. I celebrated my birthday last week and this coming weekend we celebrate our third grandchild. However, even with all the good things that are happening around me, I tend to constantly feel burdened, overloaded, and stressed out! Lyndon B. Johnson wrote, “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.”

I confess I tend to allow things going on around me stress me out. There are so many decisions that I make on a daily basis such a what I am going to wear, what I am going to eat for breakfast, or to hit the snooze button five times.

However, there are so many decisions that I don’t get to make. For example, what news headlines flash across my phone or the television screen, the mood of my family, or the weather. All of these and more can make me feel burdened, overloaded, and stressed out.

Even thought I can’t control all of these situations, I can control how I face it.

We have been talking about having faith and hope in God. Trusting God and waiting is not a passive activity. Thus, we do what we can and let God do the rest!

In John 6: 9-13, there was a great crowd who had followed Jesus because they had seen the signs he had performed. The disciples wondered how were they ever going to feed all of the people. Andrew said, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus took what the little boy had and multiplied it to feed all of the people there. The little boy did his part and Jesus did the rest.

Take a step

We may not know all of the steps to take but we don’t have to. The first step is to reject a burdened, overloaded, stressed-out life! Don’t focus on the problems that you can’t do anything about! Focus on the promises of God!

Therefore, no matter how things look, you can do your part and take a step against a stressed life.

Steps to take to help you destress your life…

  • First, get up each day and declare God’s word over your life. Romans 8:37, “I am more than a conqueror.”
  • Set aside time in the day to exercise. This may be just going for a walk in your neighborhood. Make a plan and stick to it!
  • If there is someone in your life who is driving up your stress levels, do something nice for them. Send them a kind note or take them to lunch.
  • If you are overloaded at work, delegate your responsibilities or talk with your boss.
  • Last, prioritize your tasks each day. Stephen Covey has a great matrix to use to help you prioritize.

Despite how you might feel when you get up, start your day in a positive way!

Thank you for stopping by today to check out my blog! I also share some great recipes that will make your day a little easier. Check out my grandma’s Mississippi Mud Cake recipe!

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How to trust even when it seems everything is falling apart!

How to trust even when it seems everything is falling apart!
How to trust even when it seems everything is falling apart!

Happy Monday! Last week we talked about how everything will be alright! God is faithful and He is true. Today, I will dive a little deeper and discuss how to trust God when it seems everything is falling apart.

Life is chaotic and it is hard to trust that God will work everything out for us in the end. When things are going great, it is easy to trust God.

At the beginning of this year, my husband and I got the Covid. I had taken on a whole lot at my work and there just wasn’t anyone else to complete my work. So, I got up every day trusting that God would help me complete what I needed to do for work and get better at the same time. It was so hard! There were many days that I just didn’t feel good. It was only by the grace of God that I completed all of my tasks for work despite having the Covid and feeling terrible most days.

I could have easily given up!

Instead, I chose to place my trust in God and He gave me the strength to do what I needed to do.

Isaiah 40:29-31 states,

He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

A few weeks ago, I went to the local Farmer’s Market. I didn’t end up finding much. One of the farmers told me the winter freeze put them behind on the harvest. However, he was hopeful that the harvest would still come even after some tough times. He was right!

Even through tough times!

Just like that farmer, we need to trust that no matter what we are going through, it will all work out in the end. Many times in my life, I could have given up but I trusted God to work everything out.

Trust even when you feel like you are falling apart…

Friends, God has never let me down and I can testify that I have been through some very hard times. He won’t let you down either!

Trust God!

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. Please stay in touch at kamzinsser.com.

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Everything will be alright!

Everything will be alright!
Everything will be alright!

Happy Memorial Day! I hope that you spent time with your family over the weekend or today. All this past week I have stayed focused on this statement: Everything will be alright!

Last week I talked about staying positive. I know that it isn’t easy to stay positive in the midst of a storm. Wow, it seems like we go through storms every day. It just doesn’t stop.

All good…

One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” The scripture doesn’t tell us that all is good but “all things work together for good.

Recently I had the opportunity to practice this principle. I went to a local fast-food restaurant to pick up breakfast. I waited in line for 20 minutes before I was able to order and pay for my food. A few minutes later, a person came to the window and proceeded to refund my money. She insisted I take the money because of the wait. I finally received my order but it was a least a 45-minute wait.

I could have allowed that to upset me and frustrate me for the rest of the day. A negative person would have. A positive person would have been grateful for the free breakfast and went on about the day. I knew everything will be alright!

It is so easy to allow our emotions to take over and give up. However, it is just as easy to say, everything will be alright.

Give God all your worries and in return, He will give you His peace. Don’t worry about tomorrow because we have all we can take care of today.

I’ve listened to “Be Alright” by Evan Craft and Danny Gokey all week.

There’s a name that can silence every fear

There’s a love that embraces, the heartache, the pain, and the tears

Through my faith and doubting

I know one thing for sure His word is unfailing

His promise is secure

Everything will be alright

He’s got the whole world in His hands…


I hope that you will take a few minutes to listen to this song. As you go through the storms this week, remember God’s got the whole world in His hands.

Thank you for checking out my blog this week. Keep checking back at kamzinsser.com.