Your Attitude and Your Thoughts Belong To You!

Psalm 103:5
Psalm 103:5

Happy Monday! I hope that you are having a great week. This week I am talking more about having hope. Your attitude and your thoughts belong to you. No one can make you have a bad attitude if you don’t want to.

We spend a lot of time in our life waiting. Studies show that we spend 58.6 hours waiting at red lights every 365 days. We spend on average 6 months of our lives waiting in line for something. We also wait for our goals and dreams to be fulfilled.

I’ll be honest, I don’t like to wait. I have never liked to wait. But who does?

But when I wait, it is up to me to wait with a good attitude. My attitude and my thoughts belong to me!

I can decide to have hope and wait expectantly. Hope is not merely wishing everything will turn out okay. It is in the knowledge that things will turn out okay.

Psalm 130:5 “I wait for the Lord, I expectantly wait, and in His word do I hope.”

You may be going through something today that is so hard. Have hope in the Lord! Make a decision to have hope no matter how difficult your circumstances may seem.

I urge you to read, study, listen, and meditate on the word of God! Expect something good to happen today!

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Three Things to Help You Get Through Your Day!

Three Things to Help You Get Through Your Day!
Three Things to Help You Get Through Your Day!

Happy Monday! We are having some beautiful weather at our house. This week I am talking about three things to help you through your day.

We all have daily struggles. Some days are worse than others. I admit that I allow things to get to me sometimes.

As I shared last week, I am working on my “thank you journal.” When I focus more on things that I am thankful for, my days do go a whole lot better.

Also, we don’t have to be stressed all of the time because we have a God who cares for us.

There are three things to help you get through your day: faith, hope, and love!

1 Corinthians 13:13 states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

We need these three things on a daily basis to get through all of our struggles. We are not promised a perfect life. However, God does promise to be with us when we face challenges. In other words, we are never alone.

As we head into the holidays, take God with you.

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Thankfulness is the key that opens so many doors!

Romans 8:28
Romans 8:28

As we begin the month of November, it is hard to believe we are so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. But, I am so thankful for so many things today. Over the years, I have realized that thankfulness is the key that opens so many doors!

Numbers 11 talks about the Israelites and their journey. Even after they were delivered from slavery in Egypt, they wanted to go back. Their attitudes were so bad they spent 40 years in the wilderness.

“When the people complained, it displeased the Lord: and the Lord heard it; and His anger was kindled…” (Numbers 11: 1).

When I think about all of the times that God has blessed me, I am truly amazed. However, it is on many days that I find myself complaining about small things.

In truth, complaining is just human nature. We have to make a conscious effort to not complain when things don’t go our way. Thankfulness is the key that opens so many doors!

As we move into the Thanksgiving season, I want to have a good attitude. God promised us in Romans 8:28, if we will continue to pray, love Him, and want His will, things will work out for our good.

I have faith that no matter how hard things get, God will work things out for our good. It. is a guarantee!

Today, I am thankful for
Today, I am thankful for

I am starting a thankful book. I hope that you will start one too! Every day write things in it that you are thankful for. When you have a bad day, go back and read all of the good things that God has and is doing in your life!

What are you thankful for?