Who is determining your worth and value?

Who is determining your worth and value?
Who is determining your value and worth?

Happy Monday! I’ve been off for a few weeks and its great to be back. I hope that you are having a great Summer. I can’t believe Summer is almost over and school will be starting soon. This week, I am talking about who is determining your worth and value. What are you believing about yourself?

Colossians 1:13-14 states, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

I love how it says that God has “rescued us from the dominion of darkness.” He has already done this for us. God has given us so many gifts and I want to focus on one today.

Worth and Value

God sent His son to die on the cross for us. He loves us so much! We were bought with a price, the blood of Jesus Christ.

When I feel I don’t have any value, I think about what Jesus did for me.

Friends, you are valued. Jesus loves you so much. When you feel down, focus on what God has done for you. He has given us so much.

Continue to stay in touch. Check out other great blogs at my website kamzinsser.com.

The Bottom Line, Being Rooted Gets You Through!

The bottom line, being rooted gets you through!
The bottom line, being rooted gets you through!

Happy Independence Day! Wow, I can’t believe we are already in July. This week is not only the 4th of July but my parent’s anniversary on the 5th. I have always loved the month of July. However, it can be hard to celebrate the holidays when you are going through some trials. The bottom line, being rooted gets you through!

Over the last few weeks, I have been reading about inner strength. On days when I don’t feel good, I pray for God to give me strength.

However, the more that I study the Word of God, I am becoming stronger. The bottom line, being rooted gets you through!

Colossians 2:6-7, “So then, just as you received Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Let’s dissect these verses just a bit. I like the part about being “rooted and built up in Him.” Paul is referring to the inward self. We tend to worry more about our outward self. In fact, we spend more time and money making our outward self look the best but forget about your inward self.

Are you spending time on your inward self?

The more time we spend in the Word and talking to God, our roots become more and more grounded. I don’t know about you, but I want to be grounded in Christ.

Also, having the right mindset will help us get through the toughest of times. I know this one is a tough one. It is so easy to give into the negativity of the world. I catch myself doing this almost every day.

But when we choose to stay positive and joyful, it makes the day go so much better.

Don’t let these challenges steal your joy. Bottom line, it’s important to stay rooted in the Word of God! Because the knowledge that you gain from the Word will make you stronger as long as you apply it.

Friends, I hope that you are spending time with your friends and family today. My husband is actually off today so we will spend time together.

Until next time! Have a wonderful week. I have other blogs if you want to check out my website at kamzinsser.com.

Happy July 4th!

I’m Expecting Something Great Is Going To Happen Today!

I'm expecting something great is going to happen today!
I’m expecting something great is going to happen today!

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I spent the weekend doing the things around the house to prep for the start of the week. One think I enjoy doing on the weekends is spending time with my husband. It is important to stay positive in the middle of the chaos. I like starting off my mornings with the saying, I’m expecting something great is going to happen today.

What does faith mean to you? Faith to me means putting my trust in God and not trying to figure things out on my own. I spend way too much time trying to figure things out instead of praying about it.

When in truth, I should have confidence and hope for something great to happen everyday.

The people in the church in Colossians were known for their faith. Colossians 1:4 states, “Because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people.”

It would be amazing to be known for your faith and love for others. One of my favorite verse in the Bible is Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as a real fact what is not revealed to the senses]

Expect something great to happen today!

Here’s the great news, we can choose to believe God’s Word and be confident by faith that things will be okay even when we don’t see it.

Friends, have faith and expect something great to happen today!

Please stop by my blog next week for more good news: kamzinsser.com.