Make Room!

My son came to my bedroom door.

I heard his feet coming down the hallway, so I was already somewhat awake.

He had gotten sick in the night and wanted to let me know. I quickly got up out of the bed and cleaned him and his bed up the best I could. He didn’t care about those things, all he wanted was me beside him.

I had to make room for him in my bed.

I, just like my son have felt sick, worried, upset, overwhelmed, and without peace. When I should be calling out to God, I spend too much time settling for these feelings.

I love that my son came looking for me when he felt sick.

Jesus loves us to call out to Him in the same way. We can desire to have more of God in our lives, but we must make room for Him.

I have learned to make room for him in my daily life by reading and studying His Word. I am not talking about reading through the Bible. I am talking about studying and dwelling on the Word. The more we make room for God, the more his presence will be there.

Not only that but we also know, “That times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” (Acts 3:20).

The Psalmist says, “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalm 145:18).

We only need to make room for God, and he will draw near to us!

Make room for Him today!

About The Author
