Growing up is hard to do!

Whoever has my commandments and Keeps them, he it is who love me. And he who loves me will be loved by my father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.

I remember when my boys were little, and I secretly wished they would stay little. However, they are taller than me now and all grown up. Time literally flew by!

It is inevitable that our kids will grow up!

We are God’s children and He wants us to grow up. God wants us to grow up spiritually. You might be wondering what does growing up spiritually mean? I attend church every Sunday. I am in a life group. I listen to my worship music every day. But growing spiritually is more than attending church for ninety minutes on a Sunday morning. It is more than checking off a box on my to-do list.

It is making time in our day to worship, pray, study, and meditate on God and His Word. If we do these things, we will draw closer to God. Putting aside our pride and going to Jesus with a thankful heart will open the channels of conversation. Obedience can be hard! But when we obey God, we position ourselves to His leading.

I want this for my life! What about you?

About The Author
