Category: Favorite Recipes

Are you struggling with finding things to make for supper? Here are a few of my favorite family recipes that I hope you will try.

The best chocolate cake recipe you will ever make!

The best chocolate cake recipe you will ever make!
The best chocolate cake recipe you will ever make!

I remember the time I first tried this cake. My grandma loved trying new recipes as I do. This cake recipe was not like any other that I had tasted because it had a layer of marshmallows and a layer of chocolate icing that tasted just like fudge. These layers make this cake very moist. One of my most favorite candies at Christmas is fudge. Believe me when I say this is the best chocolate cake recipe you will ever make! Your kids will love it!

Marshmallows make this the best chocolate cake…

Marshmallows have no nutritional value, however, they are cholesterol-free, fat-free, and low sodium. Also, marshmallows are a loved snack that can be enjoyed in hot cocoa which is the best during this time of year. I keep marshmallows in my pantry as a staple. You might even say this cake has all of the tastes of hot cocoa topped with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.

Can we talk about chocolate…

There are health benefits of dark chocolate such as a powerful source of antioxidants, lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease, and improve brain function. Who doesn’t love chocolate? However, this recipe it does not include dark chocolate, however, you can certainly tweak the recipe to make it healthier. I won’t tell if you won’t!

Grandma’s Mississippi Mud Cake

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 sticks butter
  • 1/3 cup cocoa
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup coconut
  • 1 1/2 cup self-rising flour

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Mix sugar and flour; add all of the other ingredients. Bake for 30 minutes. Start to make the icing about 5 minutes before the cake comes from the oven start mixing the icing to pour over the hot cake.


  • small box powdered sugar
  • 1 stick butter
  • 6 T. milk
  • 1/3 cup cocoa
  • 10.5 mini marshmallows
  • 1 cup nuts

Put all of the ingredients except for the nuts and marshmallows in a saucepot. Bring to a boil. Sprinkle the marshmallows over the hot cake. Lastly, pour the icing over the marshmallows and sprinkle the cups of nuts on the icing.

If you want to try other recipes, please check out my blog at

Don’t wait to make new memories with your family!

Do you love to bake? Christmas is probably my most favorite time of the year because I love to make all the different desserts. When my boys were little, they enjoyed sampling all of my baked goods. I love to package it all up in cute little tins and give it away for Christmas. I remember going to my grandma’s house and finding these Christmas tins filled with peanut brittle, fudge, and fruit cake. Don’t wait to make new memories with your family!

One of my favorite cakes that my grandma made was her Baby Food Cake. My mom also made this cake for us girls when we were younger. So today, I am sharing my favorite memories that began in the kitchen starting with my favorite recipes.

I think what makes Baby Food Cake so yummy are the spices and of course the baby food. My mom always used plum baby food but you can use other flavors such as apples or even apricot. Don’t wait to make new memories with your family!

Baby Food Cake

  • 2 cups self-rising flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup pecans
  • 1/2 tsp. cloves
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup oil or butter
  • 2 jars of baby food (plum, apple, apricot)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Spray non-stick cooking spray in a bundt pan. Cream oil and sugar, add eggs one at a time. Add baby food and sifted dry ingredients. Pour into a prepared bundt pan for 45-50 minutes.


  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • juice of a lemon

For more great recipes, please continue to follow my blog. I am sharing some of my favorite Christmas recipes over the next few weeks.

It’s never too late to think of others because sharing is caring!

It’s never too late to think of others

Thanksgiving is this week and you may be baking and preparing the turkey or ham right now. I will be busy baking and doing some prep work for my side dishes. I love Thanksgiving foods. So, what do you do with all of your leftovers? I want to start by saying that you can certainly share your love with your friends, family, or neighbors. It’s never too late to think of others because sharing is caring!

Last week I shared two great and free eBooks that I created just for you to help you with your Thanksgiving meal planning. If you have not already planned out your meal, I included them below as a free download. Click on the button to view the menu idea. If you would like the free download, click on the download button.

Now on to the leftovers. What do you do with all of your leftovers once you’ve eaten your Thanksgiving meal? We are having a smaller gathering this year. It was totally our decision. So, I know there will be plenty of leftovers. It’s never too late to think of others because sharing is caring.

We purchase a smoked turkey or ham for Thanksgiving which saves me on time. If you are interested in purchasing a delicious smoked ham or turkey for Christmas, check out 5-C Smokehouse.

Thanksgiving is not only for giving thanks to God but also for giving to others.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.” Psalm 7:17

Finally, I have another free offer for you today. You can download or check out this Leftover eBook. I included a few favorites and ideas that you make either the day after Thanksgiving or later.

I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for checking out my blog at