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Navigating Life with a Fragrant Perspective

Navigating life with a fragrant perspective

Happy Monday! I hope that you week is off to a fantastic start. As we near the end of September, I’m eagerly anticipating the end of this excessive heat. This week, let’s dive into a topic that’s close to my heart; navigating life with a fragrant perspective.

Fragrance Model Memories

During my young adult years, I worked as a perfume model. I’d approach random people, asking if they’d like to try the fragrance of the day. Spritzing it onto a card and handing it to them was the routine. By the end of the day, I often found myself nursing a headache.

Then I learned a better way to wear perfume-to spray it into the air and walk into the mist. It’s a bit like how we approach life with God’s Word and praise, navigating life with a fragrant perspective.

The Scripture that Sustains

One particular scripture that brings me comfort and guidance is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Living by faith, as the Bible calls us to; may seem like an insurmountable task. But it’s achievable when we meditate on the Word of God and speak it into our lives daily.

Navigating Life

Personally, I aspire to live in an atmosphere of praise. It’s a place where gratitude flows naturally, and faith finds fertile ground to grow.

Do you have any similar experiences to share? Have you ever had a moment when faith carried you through challenging times? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Let’s continue to journey together, supporting each other on our paths of faith. May your week be filled with blessings, positivity, and unwavering faith.

Check out my blog every week at

Navigating the Atmospheric Chaos of Life!

Navigating the atmospheric chaos of life!

Hello friends and happy Monday! This week, we experienced a close call with a fire near our house, reminding us of life’s unpredictable nature. It’s challenging to prepare for such emergencies. What would you pack in a crisis? Thankfully, with the help of first responders and the grace of God, the fire was extinguished. This week, let’s talk about navigating the atmospheric chaos of life.

In times of uncertainty, I often turn to Philippians 4:6-7 stated, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Life is undeniably chaotic, and it’s easy to say we shouldn’t worry, but much harder not to. Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious?

How are you navigating the atmospheric chaos of life?

Have you ever noticed that before a storm, there’s a drop in air pressure? Similarly, when we face life’s storms, we experience a shift in our emotional spiritual atmosphere.

In the same way when we are going through the storm of life, there is a change in the atmospheric pressure.

So, what should we do when we feel a storm coming? As children of God, we have every right to shout “peace be still.” In fact, if you are going through a storm right now, say “peace be still” out loud. This will give the Devil a swift kick.

Sometimes we have to do this continually, but let me tell you, it does work. Allow the grace of God to work in your life.

How can I pray for you? Please send me a message or drop a message in the chat.

Check out my blog every week at for more insights and encouragement.

Be blessed and encouraged throughout your week!

What To Do When You Feel Stuck!

John 16:33

Hello friends! Here we are in the middle of August. Time is truly going by quickly. Summer is almost over and I am personally happy to see it go. This Summer has been a hot one. Today I am talking about what to do when you feel stuck!

Have you ever felt like you can’t see a way out of a problem? I have many times in my life.

Joseph had so many bad things happen to him but he never gave up. If you are unfamiliar with Joseph, you can find more about him in the book of Genesis 37-50.

The bottom line, Joseph persevered and didn’t give up!

What do you do when you feel stuck? We can take a few lessons from Joseph.

  1. Don’t give up
  2. Persevere even when he didn’t feel like it
  3. Do what is right

In our lives we may fall into a pit sometimes. But Jesus gives us hope. Read John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God doesn’t promise us a perfect life. But he can take all that bad and turn it around for good.

Are you in a pit right now?

Do you feel stuck?

I would like to pray for you. You can always direct message me or leave your prayer request in the comments.

Please join me next week back here at