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Love is more than a feeling, it’s a decision!

Love is more than a feeling, it's a decision!
Love is more than a feeling, it’s a decision!

Hello friends! I hope and pray that your week has started out well. My heart is hurting for our world. Today I am talking about something that has been on my heart for a while now. I believe that love is more than a feeling, it is a decision!

In Romans 16:2, Paul wrote to the church in Rome on how we should receive Phoebe, “in the Lord [with love and hospitality],” and more specifically he said they were to “help her in whatever matter she may require assistance from you.”

I have learned over the years and believe that love is much more than a feeling. I can tell you if I relied on my feelings, there are many days that I don’t feel like doing something. Our feelings change on a daily basis.

I do think that as we grow in the Lord we learn more ourselves. We show love by how we treat people, not how we feel about them.

Love is more than a feeling, it’s a decision!

In Colossians 3:14, we are told to “put on and wrap yourselves in [unselfish] love.”

Therefore, love is something we do on purpose no matter how we feel.

If we want God’s will in our lives, we should do things His way. Love and forgive others.

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Feeling a Little Weak in Your Faith?

Feeling a little weak!
Feeling a little weak!

I have to admit this week, I have often felt like David in the Bible standing in front of Goliath with nothing but a slingshot. This week has been one for the books. Are you feeling a little weak in your faith?

The Bible tells us about a man named David. He tended the sheep. However, David was anointed by God. Every day, Goliath would defy the people of Israel. If someone could fight and kill the Goliath, they would be free of Philistines. David volunteered to fight Goliath. He set out with a slingshot and five smooth stones. David had God by his side. He trusted and had faith.

You can read more of the story of David and Goliath in Samuel 17.

God doesn’t promise us a perfect life. However, we do have His assurance that He will always be with us even when we are fighting a battle.

The Bible says, “Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and faint a surpassing victory through Him who loves us.” Romans 8:37

If you are feeling a little weak in your faith because you are facing a battle today, know that God is on your side. Fight Satan with what you know which is prayer and the Word of God.

When you are feeling weak in the knees, pray!

No matter what comes your way, you can face it because you are an overcomer with Christ!

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Don’t worry, God’s got this!

Don't worry, pray instead!
Don’t worry, God’s got this!

I have often heard the phrase, “give it to God.” How do we give our worries to God? We can do that through our prayers. But if we pray about something but continue to worry about it, we are right back to where we started. As long as we worry, we are not trusting God. Make a decision today to give your worries to God. He can take it!