Are you tired of thinking you are not good enough?

Are you tired of not enough?
Are you tired of not enough?

I remember back when my boys were little when I would often stay awake at night thinking about things that I wasn’t doing. For a few years, I was a single mom raising two boys on a teacher’s salary. I had so many worries. Do I pray enough? Am I reading the Bible enough? Am I a good enough wife? Is what I am doing as a mother enough? Do I exercise enough? Are you tired of thinking you are not good enough?

The Webster dictionary defines enough as “a sufficient number, quantity, or amount.” What is required?

Without God, I can never be enough…

Jesus is not sitting somewhere making a tally of the things that we are doing on a daily basis. However, Satan wants you to believe that you are never enough no matter how hard you try. On the contrary, Jesus wants us to know that with Him we are enough! Are you tired of not enough?

Wake up each day believing you are more than enough…

All He expects is for us to wake up each day and do our best! I am so glad that I learned that in Christ, I am more than enough!

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

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