Navigating the Atmospheric Chaos of Life!

Navigating the atmospheric chaos of life!

Hello friends and happy Monday! This week, we experienced a close call with a fire near our house, reminding us of life’s unpredictable nature. It’s challenging to prepare for such emergencies. What would you pack in a crisis? Thankfully, with the help of first responders and the grace of God, the fire was extinguished. This week, let’s talk about navigating the atmospheric chaos of life.

In times of uncertainty, I often turn to Philippians 4:6-7 stated, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Life is undeniably chaotic, and it’s easy to say we shouldn’t worry, but much harder not to. Do you find yourself worrying or feeling anxious?

How are you navigating the atmospheric chaos of life?

Have you ever noticed that before a storm, there’s a drop in air pressure? Similarly, when we face life’s storms, we experience a shift in our emotional spiritual atmosphere.

In the same way when we are going through the storm of life, there is a change in the atmospheric pressure.

So, what should we do when we feel a storm coming? As children of God, we have every right to shout “peace be still.” In fact, if you are going through a storm right now, say “peace be still” out loud. This will give the Devil a swift kick.

Sometimes we have to do this continually, but let me tell you, it does work. Allow the grace of God to work in your life.

How can I pray for you? Please send me a message or drop a message in the chat.

Check out my blog every week at for more insights and encouragement.

Be blessed and encouraged throughout your week!

About The Author
