Go ahead and color outside of the lines!

I remember when my oldest son was in first grade. In a parent-teacher meeting, the teacher criticized him for coloring outside of the lines and for not coloring in the same direction. As a new mother, I sat there in shock and never said a word. As an artist, I never colored inside the lines. In fact, the more creative and colorful the better. However, I felt that he should try to please his teacher so I decided to work with him on the skill of coloring. You can imagine how this lesson ended. He tried to please me but he just couldn’t do it.

I have always been creative and innovative. When I hear people say, “that won’t work” or “we can’t do that” it makes me want to work hard to overcome the negativity. Over time these words are discouraging to a creative person.

People who color outside of the lines are trailblazers who see things differently. Success begins with getting out of your comfort zone and yes sometimes coloring outside of the lines.

Exodus 35:31-32 says, “And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze.”

God makes each one of us special. We don’t have to be like everyone else for God to love us. He already loves us just the way we are. So, go ahead and color outside of the lines.

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