It’s So Easy To Allow Fear To Overtake You!

2 Timothy 1:7

Happy Monday! I hope that your week is starting out well. January is going by quickly. This week I am talking about something that has been on my heart over the last months and that is fear. It’s so easy to allow fear to overtake you.

Growing up, I have always watched the news. In fact, once you start watching it, you get sucked in by all the negativity. By the time, you finish the news program, you walk away feeling terrible and full of fear.

I have found, it’s not enough for me to start my day with the positive word of God. Something always happens in my day and I start to worry and fear.

I believe that there is a debilitating fear that Satan tries to put on us every day. I always thought that fear was a feeling. I know now it’s a spirit. But it’s so easy to allow fear to overtake you!

We can’t live in faith and fear at the same time.

In 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

I would much rather live in faith. I have found in my life that I need Jesus throughout my day. When fear comes, I go to the word of God. I believe that putting the word of God on repeat is key to getting through the day.

If you are new to the word of God, try reading one scripture a day. Start with 2 Timothy 1:7 or read a chapter in Psalm. Sign up for a daily devotion.

Make time for God throughout your day!

About The Author
