Hello God, can you hear me?


Are you praying for something such as a new job, healing in your body, a child, or maybe a spouse? We all have prayer requests, but sometimes it feels that God is not listening. We pray and pray, and nothing happens. Sometimes I feel like God is so far away and other times I feel Him right beside me. 

Many people prayed for things in the Bible. For example, in 1 Samuel 1, Hannah made a vow and prayed for a son. She soon gave birth to Samuel. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah prayed for rain and seven times a day he told his servant to look for the rain. Finally, on the seventh time, the servant saw one cloud. Soon the sky turned black, and God sent the rain. 

Hannah never gave up until God brought her a son. Elijah waited expectantly for the rain to come. They both had faith and never gave up. Likewise, if we pray for something we should not give up. Matthew 7.7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” 

First, we must have faith just like Hannah and Elijah that God will answer our prayer. We should then wait expectantly for the answer to come. Expectantly means getting up each morning saying that something good is going to happen today. You would be surprised at how a little positivity goes a long way throughout the day. Remember God is all powerful, and no one can close a door that God opens. 

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