Boundaries, Wait, What?


Do you have trouble telling people no? I sure do! Do you have borders or boundaries for yourself? Many times, I take on too much. I get overwhelmed and stressed as well as a little irritable. I want to be helpful. For example, I always did my kid’s laundry. I knew deep down they were more than capable, but instead, I felt I must do this for them. Since I did a lot of things for them, when I asked them to complete their chores it never seemed to get done. I might have to wait a few days before they took out the trash and this would frustrate me to the point that I would end up doing it myself. Looking back, I think I made some serious mistakes. I continually put pressure on myself. If I don’t have supper done at a particular time, I am disappointed in myself. If I don’t have the house nice and tidy, I feel stressed. 

I am learning that it is okay to say no to things. Just because we want to be helpful, does not mean we drive ourselves to an early grave doing things for others. We think we are selfish by saying no but sometimes love requires us to say no. God does not require us to do everything. We put these expectations on ourselves. James 1:5 states, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” In other words, ask God before you say yes. For example, “is this something I need to do right now?” God will let you know what you need to do. We need to take the time to listen. 

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