Who is determining your worth and value?

Who is determining your worth and value?
Who is determining your value and worth?

Happy Monday! I’ve been off for a few weeks and its great to be back. I hope that you are having a great Summer. I can’t believe Summer is almost over and school will be starting soon. This week, I am talking about who is determining your worth and value. What are you believing about yourself?

Colossians 1:13-14 states, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

I love how it says that God has “rescued us from the dominion of darkness.” He has already done this for us. God has given us so many gifts and I want to focus on one today.

Worth and Value

God sent His son to die on the cross for us. He loves us so much! We were bought with a price, the blood of Jesus Christ.

When I feel I don’t have any value, I think about what Jesus did for me.

Friends, you are valued. Jesus loves you so much. When you feel down, focus on what God has done for you. He has given us so much.

Continue to stay in touch. Check out other great blogs at my website kamzinsser.com.

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