Shake it off! Part 2!


Are you given power to fear and anxiety? Do you have a plan when the negative thoughts come? Are you going through a storm today? Are you on a ship today and your ship is going down? Do you worry that you are going to drown? 

There are so many “what if’s” in life. When the enemy has a plan to take us out, God has another plan to keep us in. 

Do you know how many times in your life when the enemy wanted to kill you, but God stepped in? Do you know how many times you would have been in a car wreck if you hadn’t of went back to the house to pick up that one thing that you forgot? 

In the Bible we read how Paul went through so many valleys. However, he never focused on the problem, he focused on the purpose. In Acts 27, after Paul was arrested, he and some others boarded a ship and sailed for Rome. First, they went through a terrible storm. Miraculously he and all the people on the ship survived the storm. On the fourteenth day they worried they wouldn’t make it to land. In verse 43 and 44, “But the centurion wanted to spare Paul’s life and kept them from carrying out their plan. He ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land. The rest were to get there on planks or on other pieces of the ship. In this way everyone reached land safely.” 

Wow, I think about how Paul made it to land hanging on a piece of a ship and how this could not have been the way he thought it would go. Even when the ship went down, he still had faith he would make it to the shore. 

Friends, you are going to make it. It might not be the way you planned on it, but you are going to make it through whatever you are going through. Don’t put your faith is not in the how, but in the God that says you will!

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