Decisions, Decision!


 “We are not a product of our circumstances. We are a product of our decisions.” John Hagee

           I listened to a sermon series by John Hagee. He made this statement above and it really made me think about a lot of things in my life. 

           We tend to blame how we are on things like how we were raised, things that happened to us as a child, trials that we went through, etc. For example, I remember myself saying things like “I am that way because this… happened to me.” 

           I do think that going through problems in our life builds character and makes us stronger. However, I do believe that the decisions we make affect our lives.

           My husband loves to give our kids the choice speech. Although I do not think our kids like the speech as much as he enjoys giving it. 

           Looking back, I can remember many of my decisions good or bad affected my life. Sometimes the decisions affected my life for many years, others just for a few days. I wish I could tell you I learned from all of my bad decisions. I cannot!

           Proverbs 21:5 states: “The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.” 

           Be aware of hasty decisions in your life that lead you down the wrong pathway. 

           Thank you for stopping by my blog to check it out. I hope that you are blessed! 


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