Go ahead make yourself so happy!

Go ahead make yourself happy!
Go ahead make yourself happy!

I have often wondered why we even have a time change but I am glad that we do. So, let me start off by saying I am thankful for the time change. You might be thinking right now that you struggle to find anything to be thankful for or anything to be happy about. I can truthfully say that there are some days that I struggle myself.

Always things to be thankful for…

We can all agree this year has been filled with many struggles. However, it is in the midst of these struggles we find God.


The Bible says, “in every situation be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thess. 5:18.

Whatever is going on in our lives. We should always remain thankful. Even when we have a problem or even a few problems, there are still things to be thankful for. A thankful heart is a happy heart so go ahead and make yourself happy by being thankful.

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  1. Value is not connected to likes on Social Media! - | 2nd Nov 20

    […] Therefore, we can find more value with our connection to God. […]

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