Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now?

Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now?
Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now?

Holidays can be a bit stressful. Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed right now? For many years, I have hosted holiday meals at my house. So, don’t worry, I have got you covered with a few simple Thanksgiving meal ideas.

Don’t let this affect you…

Thanksgiving should be a time to give thanks not to stress. I confess that 2021 has been a crazy year. Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now? With all the craziness, we still can find things to be thankful for. I wake up every day thanking God that I am alive, that I have family, and food on my table.

Feeling a bit moved right now?

If you have never cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner, then you have definitely come to the right place. There are so many wonderful recipes to choose from but where do you start. I am a Pinterest fan but even still my recipes are a bit scattered which makes me feel overwhelmed when I am ready to try a new recipe.

Think about it…

You might have those favorite family recipes that you make every year. My family does as well. However, if you want to keep it simple this year, check out my eBooks below. I promise these recipes will not make you feel overwhelmed. You are welcome to follow my easy-to-make dinner plans and recipes. Click on the picture below to open the link for the recipes or click on the eBook for the Roasted Chicken Meal Plan or you can download and save it to your computer.

Or click on the eBook for the Turkey Roast Meal Plan or you can download and save to your computer.

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