Daily Archives: June 26, 2023

Stay Positive In The Midst Of A Storm!

Hello Friends! I was listening to a podcast a few days ago about going through storms. It is difficult to always look for a silver lining. However, the Word of God says for us to be positive in the midst of a storm. How do we do that? God tells us in the Bible.

Friends, are you going through a storm?

Storms make us weary. It seems that sometimes we just get through one storm and another one pops up.

How do we stay positive when it seems like all hell is breaking loose in our lives? I can tell you from experience, it isn’t easy. Staying focused on the positive in the midst of a storm can be a minute by minute process.

In Numbers 13, Moses sent in 12 men to check out the Promised Land. After 40 days, ten of them came back all negative and defeated. However, Caleb and Joshua were more positive and they believed they were more than able to overtake the giants.

I wanted to be more like Caleb. Dare to be a Caleb or a Joshua. If you are going through something today, stay in hope and trust God that He will take care of you.

Please stop by my blog every week for more encouraging words.