Daily Archives: December 11, 2022

Tis The Season For Giving!

Tis the season for giving!
Tis the season for giving!

Happy Monday! Christmas is a time that we focus on giving. Every year, it is always a mad dash to have all of my Christmas shopping done, food prep complete, and all the presents wrapped. Tis the season for giving!

I start early in the year buying gifts for all of my family. However, it never seems like there is enough time.

God says in His word that our giving should be year round. Luke 4:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

When I read this, I used to think this only applied to my money. I have learned over the years that it applies to so much more than just a season of giving and my money!

For starters, time is a very important thing we can give. It may be a phone call to a friend or loved one. Or even, making a dinner for people that are sick.

Whatever it is, try giving all throughout the year. Don’t wait until Christmas to give.