Daily Archives: October 2, 2022

I Think I Can Most Of The Time!

I think I can most of the time!

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Our weather has been amazing. I love the Fall. Today, I am talking about having a “I can” attitude. I find that I think I can most of the time but now all of the time!

Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Are you feeling weary today? Yeah me too!

God doesn’t promise that everything will be easy. He does promise that He will be with us with we go through the trials of life. Friends, these trials will come and during these trials I think I can most of the time.

If God calls you to it, He will give you the grace to get through it. God has so much grace and I am so grateful.

I believe every time we have a positive mindset, we get stronger and stronger. It won’t be easy at first but over time, we will have that “I can” attitude not the “I can’t.”

Friends, don’t give up if you are going through a trial. Stay in faith and know that God is with you and He gives you the strength you need to make it through the day.