Daily Archives: February 19, 2022

It Is Too Easy to Allow Fear To Take Over!

It Is Too Easy to Allow Fear To Take Over!
It Is Too Easy to Allow Fear To Take Over!

Happy Monday! I hope that your weekend was great. Did you know that fear is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. You could actually read a scripture every day about fear. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 91. Without the truths that we find throughout the Bible, it would be so easy to allow fear to take over!

Do you ever feel afraid? Just the news alone would make you feel afraid.

Psalm 91:2 says, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust,”

David is saying that God is his refuge and his fortress and he will put his trust in God.

God is our refuge and our strength!

What are you saying about God? Are you putting your trust in God every day? We often claim to believe that God is our refuge and fortress but do we say this out loud?

When we don’t proclaim these truths out loud, fear will take over!

One thing I try to do every day is proclaim these things truths from the Scripture out loud.

When we verbalize the goodness of God, we are taking aggressive action against the enemy.

Say aloud the things that are in your heart! Put your trust in God because he is trustworthy!

Tell God you trust Him! Proclaim His goodness over your life!

If you are interested in reading Psalm 91, click on the link.

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