Daily Archives: November 27, 2021

I learn more in the quiet!

I learn more in the quiet!
I learn more in the quiet!

Happy Monday! I hope that you spent time with family and friends last week. Now that everyone is gone, my house is so quiet. You know what, I learn more in the quiet!

When I was younger, I never enjoyed the quiet. It was a time when my mind focused on the bad instead of the good.

Now that I’m older, I find that I learn more in the quiet!

Our lives tend to be so busy with work, family, and activities. Maybe we keep our lives busy so we don’t have to focus on things.

This time of year, it seems we are even busier. I know that prepping for Christmas takes a lot of time.

What does it mean to be still? Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

His word reminds us to be still and know that God is with us. I learn more about God in the quiet. Listen for God’s voice. He will guide you throughout your day.

Thank you for stopping by today. For ideas on after Thanksgiving leftovers, please check out my recipe section for free holiday recipes at kamzinsser.com.

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