Daily Archives: November 6, 2021

Three Things to Help You Get Through Your Day!

Three Things to Help You Get Through Your Day!
Three Things to Help You Get Through Your Day!

Happy Monday! We are having some beautiful weather at our house. This week I am talking about three things to help you through your day.

We all have daily struggles. Some days are worse than others. I admit that I allow things to get to me sometimes.

As I shared last week, I am working on my “thank you journal.” When I focus more on things that I am thankful for, my days do go a whole lot better.

Also, we don’t have to be stressed all of the time because we have a God who cares for us.

There are three things to help you get through your day: faith, hope, and love!

1 Corinthians 13:13 states, “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

We need these three things on a daily basis to get through all of our struggles. We are not promised a perfect life. However, God does promise to be with us when we face challenges. In other words, we are never alone.

As we head into the holidays, take God with you.

Let’s stay in touch! Take a minute to follow my weekly blogs at kamzinsser.com.

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