Daily Archives: October 24, 2021

It’s not always easy setting priorities!

2 Samuel 22:30
2 Samuel 22:30

Happy Monday! This week I am talking about setting priorities. Do you get distracted easily? Me too! I make a to-do list for the day, but it is a struggle to stay on task most days. It’s not always easy setting priorities!

I was listening to my morning podcast and one of the topics this week was about making God first in our day and lives.

It is challenging to spend that time with God when we pack our schedule so full. Many days, I am literally running around doing all the things and forget to make time for God.

I find that my day goes so much better when I make that time in the mornings to pray, read, and meditate on His word. When I am doing life with God!

Friends, we are constantly in a battle. What does that look like for you?

It may just be a battle for our time or a battle of the mind. No matter what it looks like it is real.

We must spend time with God so we can fight these battles.

2 Samuel 22:30-35 states, “With your help, I can advance against a troop; with my God, I can scale a wall.”

Without God, I couldn’t make it through my day. But with God, I “can scale a wall.” Friends, we can make it through with God.

Let’s do life with God. Our days will go so much better. Subscribe to my weekly blog at kamzinsser.com