Daily Archives: August 14, 2021

What hidden giants are you facing in your life?

What hidden giants are you facing in your life?

As we begin this week, are you feeling burdened? Friends life is filled with a lot of sadness. Just when you think you have overcome one giant, another one shows up. What hidden giants are you facing today?

Some days I would rather stay in bed! Let’s face it, there are days when I am just tired of fighting.

However, I know that “I am more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through him” (Romans 8:37).

David faced his giant with just a sling and stone. Moses faced his giant by lifting his hands, and Noah built an ark.

What hidden giants are you facing in your life?

We go through many difficult things but we can learn to respond to these things the way Jesus would.

Just knowing”if God is for me who could be against me” brings me comfort. (Romans 8:31).

I can know before I ever face a problem, God will give me victory over it. It is an amazing freedom to know that God is always with me no matter what.

No matter what we face in life, we can overcome with Christ.

Please check back every week at kamzinsser.com.

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