Daily Archives: August 7, 2021

Hope is something we desperately need today!

Hope is something we desperately need today!
Hope is something we desperately need today!

Happy Monday! Friends, are you feeling a little discouraged today? We face so many giants in our lives. Hope is something we desperately need today!

In Psalm 42:5, the psalmist is discouraged. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become restless and disturbed within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall again praise Him. For the help of His presence.” It is so easy to get discouraged by the chaos in the world.

Three things we find in this verse the Psalmist did. First, he asked, “why he was in despair?” Second, then he instructed his soul to “hope in God.” Third, he declared that he will “again praise Him.”

Discouragement destroys hope! Without hope, we give up which is what the Devil wants us to do.

What kind of thoughts do you have? Do your thoughts and words sound like these? I am not going to make it. I am ready to give up.

What are you thinking about? Have a little talk with yourself today! Hope is something we desperately need today!

God is our hope! He will never let us down. It may seem like things are falling apart but God has everything in control.

Psalm 42:11 tells us, “…Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him.”

Take hold of hope and don’t let it go!

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