Daily Archives: June 26, 2021

It’s definitely not always easy to do what is right…

It's definitely not always easy to do what is right...
It’s definitely not always easy to do what is right…

Happy Monday! Today, I am so grateful that I can write this blog as a way to encourage everyone! It is hard to know what is right? Right is wrong and wrong is right and it is definitely not always easy to do what is right.

So, how do I know? I was reading Proverbs 14:2 and it says, “Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly, but those who despise him are devious in all their ways.” Wow, there is so much truth in this one verse. Let’s take a minute to unpack the truths in this verse.

My parents taught me to respect my elders. I instilled this same lesson of respect in my kids as well. But more importantly, I need to have a reverential fear of God. This doesn’t mean that I fear that God will hurt me. On the contrary, it means that I want to do all I can to please God!

How do we know what is right? I have pondered over this one for many years now. The lines between right and wrong have blurred even more over the last few years.

But first, we must change our thoughts in order to change our behavior. According to God, right-thinking comes first, and right actions follow.

Proverbs 14:6 states, “knowledge comes easily to the discerning.” Discernment comes through waiting on God and thinking about the right actions to take.

Romans 12:2 states, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Folks, many times in my life I have made wrong decisions because I didn’t wait on God. I followed random thoughts instead of seeking God.

Ask God for help in all of your decisions large or small. Do what God tells you to do!

Friends, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog. If you haven’t made Jesus, Lord, and Savior of your life, I invite you to do so. God is a life changer. He saved me and He will do that for you too! It is so simple, just talk to God like you talk to your best friend. Ask Him to forgive you for your sins and come into your heart! He will do it! I encourage you to talk to God right now! Don’t wait!

Let’s be friends! You can stay in contact with me at kamzinsser.com