Daily Archives: October 4, 2020

Who are you listening to?

Who are you listening to?

This week has been a busy one! So many things are going on right now. Just when you think things could not get any worse. Surprise! So, who are you listening to?

I am not here to share my opinion on politics. However, I am going to follow up with my answer to it all, Pray!

Who are you listening to?

Have you ever heard the saying, “They say!” Who are “they and what makes them the expert?” What makes them trustworthy?

When you have a decision to make do you call a friend for advice or ask God?

Can we just focus on something good for a minute?

Friends, we have someone to go to when we are feeling afraid, anxious, sad, frustrated, or even mad. God is always there and let me tell you, He is the good news!

You might be feeling alone or even afraid! God wants you to know that we don’t have to fear. He is in control!

God promises!

John 16:33 states, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus tells us that we will have trouble in this world, but we can find peace in Him. So, why not go to Him!

So, I ask again, “Who are you listening to?”

Check out my blog for more inspirational word! kamzinsser.com